Provider of custom ocular prosthetics

LeGrand Northwest Ocularists


We offer custom artificial eyes and custom scleral shells.

Steps in making a LeGrand custom artificial eye:

Fitting – In most cases a wax shape is used to custom fit the eye socket. We are able to modify the wax in order to get the curvature of the eyelids and the appearance that we want. An accurate impression of the socket using a soft alginate or impression material may also be taken at this time. The fitting procedure takes approximately 1.5 hours.

First Laboratory Process – A plaster impression of the mold is poured and the white plastic of the eye is cured in a pressure curer.

Veining – The entire prosthetic eye is custom painted to match the companion eye. The fine details of the iris are painted, the sclera (the whites of the eye) are tinted, and veins are added in as well, ensuring the most realistic result. This process takes approximately 1 hour.

Second Laboratory Process – This final work consists of covering the eye with a thin layer of clear plastic which smoothly seals in the veins and gives the appearance of the corneal dome found on the human eye. After the plastic is cured, the prosthesis is polished to a smooth luster, and the final fitting is done.

Delivery – At the final stage of the process we get to try the prosthetic eye in for the first time. The comfort and function are tested and the appearance is inspected. If necessary, adjustments may be made at this time. Once everyone is comfortable with the final result, the process is complete and the eye is ready to be worn.

You will have seen the whole process from beginning to end, and are assured of the craftsmanship which has gone into your custom made eye. Please go to our Videos page to see how it all works.

We have found in most cases it is preferable not to remove the prosthesis for cleaning on a regular basis. Overhandling of the prosthesis can cause the tissues to become irritated, and lead to increased secretions or infections. We recommend that the prosthesis be cleaned and polished once each year in our office. This removes any protein build-up that may coat the prosthesis and return the surface to a smooth finish. For many patients, this is the only time that the eye is removed throughout the year.

Contact Information


Monday – Thursday: 8am-3:30pm

Friday: 8:00am-3:00pm

Satuday & Sunday: Closed
